To know who we are is to know whose we are—Jesus’.

Thank you for joining us—we’re so glad you’re here! In this module, you’ll learn more about who The Christian and Missionary Alliance is, including our background, beliefs, output, heritage, and our impact. After interacting with the module, you’ll have a clear understanding and overview of who we are as the C&MA.

Within each section, you’ll find links to our other modules where the information is more detailed and expelled. We’re glad you’re journeying with us, and thank you for being part of our All of Jesus for All the World vision.

We are the Alliance

The Christian and Missionary Alliance, otherwise known as the C&MA or The Alliance, is an evangelical denomination full of believers who long to introduce the love of God to all nations. Our desire is to carry out our All of Jesus for All the World vision by caring for suffering and overlooked people.

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Our Background

The Christian and Missionary Alliance, otherwise known as the C&MA or The Alliance, is an evangelical denomination full of believers who long to introduce the love of God to all nations. Our desire is to carry out our All of Jesus for All the World vision by caring for suffering and overlooked people.

Founded in 1887, Pastor A. B. Simpson organized a small group of believers who were devoted to experiencing Jesus and making Him known to New York City’s marginalized dock workers.

Today, we continue our mission through about 2,000 U.S. churches and around 700 international workers serving in 70 countries. Over half a million Alliance believers worship in more than 38 languages and dialects. We long to see the name of Jesus proclaimed in our neighborhoods, cities, nations, and in every corner of the world.

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Our identity in The Christian and Missionary Alliance is rooted in Jesus Christ. Our mission is to know Him, exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King, and complete His Great Commission. We call ourselves a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family.

We are Jesus people and strongly believe in All of Jesus for All the World and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20). In order to go to the ends of the earth and spread the good news, we need to have deep relationships with Christ. We believe that everything we do and all that we are flows out of that relationship—a Christ-centered relationship.

As God works more deeply in our lives, His Word and work naturally extend beyond ourselves to others. Deeper intimacy with Jesus and His Holy Spirit’s indwelling empower us to partner in His passion, fulfilling the Great Commission.

As believers, we were created to live, learn, and love in community. We are Christ’s Church—His chosen means to fulfill His purposes on earth, and we are part of an incredible family—God’s family.

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In The Alliance, we are Jesus people. We say “all of Jesus” because we’re after His Lordship, His leading, and His truth. We long for a complete transformation in our lives through His Spirit.

We believe in the Great Commission, what Jesus calls His disciples (us) to in Matthew 28:18-20: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Our call, as The Christian and Missionary Alliance, is the Great Commission.

What The Alliance believes is foundational in our teachings about God, how He relates to us, and how we relate to Him. Based on His written Word, the Bible, we are compelled to serve God and the people of His world. Our Statement of Faith reflects our beliefs on who God is calling us to be.

We believe that Jesus is our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King—this is what we call “the Fourfold Gospel,” the C&MA’s spiritual DNA.

Throughout its 130-plus year history, the C&MA has always been known for its distinctive, scripturally grounded views on a number of topics held within the Christian faith.

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When we are living in Christ, we are called to live a deeper life—not to live for ourselves or the world, but for Him, to “set [our] minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Col. 3:2). In The Alliance, we believe in the Word of God, and we desire to hold close the truths of Jesus’ teachings. To live deeper is to live for Christ, not ourselves.

A deeper life is our mission—to love God, love His people, and serve Him wholeheartedly, giving what He calls us to give and giving up what He calls us to give up. We are followers of Jesus, first and foremost, and to live deeper for Him is to live a life consistent with His truth—the Word of God. In The Alliance, we long to model more of that in word and deed.

“We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, ‘I know him,’ but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”

– 1 John 2:3-6
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In The Alliance, we are passionate about loving our neighbors and loving our world. We do that through planting churches, discipling and mentoring new believers, caring for the sick, befriending the lonely, feeding the hungry, teaching about Jesus, being present, and then some. The Alliance has two areas of ministry that are instrumental in our ability to share all of Jesus to all the world—Alliance Church Ministries and Alliance Missions.

Church Ministries, in support of Alliance strategic priorities of serving communities, multiplying church networks, and developing people, is advancing, multiplying, and developing.

U.S. Church Ministries works in partnership with 25 districts and 10 associations. Alliance churches are united in a pattern of geographical districts. Local churches within The Alliance are related to a district conference as well as to the national organization. There are currently 25 districts and 10 associations that comprise nearly 2,000 churches with approximately 327,000 Alliance members in the United States.

Alliance Missions’ international workers carry out the work through four specialized structures. Each have a unique purpose, but each share a common vision of seeing gospel access for and from all people.

The four specialized structures that are part of Alliance Missions are: CAMA Services (relief and development), marketplace ministries (business as mission), aXcess (church planting), and Envision (short-term missions and leadership development).

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Convinced that Jesus’ great sacrifice and redemptive message was for all races and classes of people, Rev. Albert Benjamin Simpson believed God was calling him to begin a world missions movement.

From reaching and preaching to seven people to ministering to thousands of immigrants, Simpson focused on the marginalized in New York City.

Early Alliance people were known for singing their theology. Simpson himself wrote 172 hymns and penned 101 books as well as countless periodicals, booklets, articles, and curriculum during his lifetime. The Fourfold Gospel theme was woven throughout his lyrics.

Through his deep encounters with Jesus, including a miraculous physical healing, Simpson developed our core Alliance theology: The Fourfold Gospel—a summary of the depths of grace and love Jesus offers as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.

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The Alliance deeply desires to embody Jesus, His teachings, and His love everywhere we go, with everyone we meet. Today, the Alliance family continues to ensure that more and more people can know that Jesus cares for us all—body, soul, and spirit.
Cambodians smiling in front of a church
We plant churches and build and administer schools, clinics, hospitals, community centers, retirement centers, radio stations, and more. We partner with other churches, governments, and nongovernment organizations to extend care and practical support—in the name of Jesus—to families who have been devastated by disease, poverty, political turmoil, and natural disasters.
Mike Sohm
Local Alliance churches provide the foundation for our worldwide mission through prayer and sacrificial giving to the Great Commission Fund. Since its founding, our North American family of churches has launched over 8,000 missionaries into more than 80 nations.

Because We’re Present

The Alliance mission and vision are rooted in the call to a deeper life in Christ, formed during our early days, which continues to fuel our call to “go” wherever and whenever God leads.

Dig Deeper

Dig deeper with additional resources and videos

Module 1: Alliance 101 Guide and Reflection Questions

This resource is designed for you—either as an individual or a group—to dig deeper, to lean into what God is saying, and to challenge you in your walk with Christ.


The Alliance Brochure

The Alliance Brochure is a six-panel brochure with a fold-out infographic map that presents an overview of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.


Resource Center

Access additional videos and downloadable materials in the Resource Center.

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